Know How to Extract Gold from Seawater

It is really incredible to know about the total quantity of other precious metals and gold dissolved in sea water. It has been estimated that since mining began about 6,000 years ago we have mined over 5 billion troy ounces of gold.

According to Refurbished Gold Plants by comparison, the concentration of gold in seawater is the oceans somewhere contain in the region of 25 billion troy ounces, and as more gold comes out from the earth's mantle that this quantity is increasing constantly.

A few companies have trials underway and there are several ways in which this gold could be collected. Basically refining the residue and distilling seawater Distillation would be one method.

Though potentially a product of desalination plants with added stages to boil off the water is considerable this is uneconomic as the energy required. To some degree in sea water practically all naturally occurring elements besides gold are dissolved.

Literally there is now a more potentially economic and exciting solution. There are cracks in the ocean floor into which sea water penetrates in regions of the ocean bottom where the earth's tectonic plates are separating (you may have heard of the continental drift and Mid-Atlantic Ridge for example).

It is heated in the minerals (of hot soft rock these mid oceanic rises are made) and earth's mantle dissolves in it. Through underwater fumaroles the mineral-loaded water emerges, and building chimney-shaped structures the minerals are deposited. Refurbished Gold Plants are involved in this.

Surviving in this over three hundred previously unknown species have been apparently discovered by inhospitable environment Scientists, where water pressure is as much as three hundred times that at the surface and temperatures can reach over 200 degrees centigrade or more. These species range from giant tube worms, shrimp and limpets to bacteria.


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