A Brief Idea About Large Scale Mining and Small Scale Mining
Simply the removal or extraction of minerals and metals from earth is mining. Some of the items commonly mined are tantalum, manganese, tin, copper, aluminum ore, nickel, iron ore, silver, diamonds, and gold. It is worth knowing that not only but the government along with the mining companies prospers and also collects huge revenues and mining is a money-spinning business. It is common knowledge that minerals and metals are in great demand and very valuable commodities. It is to be noted that of low-cost stainless steel manganese is a key component and can be used for materials handling . By removing greenish hues it is also used to de-color glass. Tantalum is used in lap-tops, cell phones, and pagers. To make pipes, cookware, etc. copper and tin. Diamonds and silver are used to make jewellery. Two categories of Mining are there - Small Scale mining and Large Scale mining. By big companies using many employees and a huge labour force large scale mining is usually under...